Magento 2 使用表單驗證 Form validation
什麼是表單驗證 ?
表單驗證,簡單來說就是針對網頁上的 <Form> 進行檢查格式的動作,今天主要是介紹怎麼樣在Magento 2 Form 加上 Validation,並且進一步的客製化 Validation Rule。
新增 Form validation
Step 1. 在需要的模組中創建 requirejs-config.js
var config = { map: { "*": { customMethod:CustomVendor_CustomModule/js/validationRule" } } };
Step 2. 新增 validationRule.js
define([ 'jquery', 'jquery/ui', 'jquery/validate', 'mage/translate' ], function($){ 'use strict'; return function() { $.validator.addMethod( "custom-validation-rule", function(value, element) { //Perform your operation here and return the result true/false. return true/false; }, $.mage.__("Your validation message.") ); } });
Step 3. 將下面的程式碼放入 .phtml 中
<script type="text/x-magento-init"> { "*": { "customMethod": {} } } </script>
Step 4. 將新的 validation rule 置入需要驗證的 form field
data-validate="{required:true, 'custom-validation-rule':true}"
依照上述步驟後,新的表單驗證就完成了!Magento 2 本身也提供非常多的表單驗證方法,以下我們整理成一張表供大家參考。
Validation Classes 列表
jQuery rules:
required | This is a required field |
remote | Please fix this field |
Please enter a valid email address | |
url | Please enter a valid URL |
date | Please enter a valid date |
dateISO | Please enter a valid date (ISO) |
number | Please enter a valid number |
digits | Please enter only digits |
creditcard | Please enter a valid credit card number |
equalTo | Please enter the same value again |
maxlength | Please enter no more than {0} characters. |
minlength | Please enter at least {0} characters. |
rangelength | Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long. |
range | Please enter a value between {0} and {1}. |
max | Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}. |
min | Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}. |
Magento rules:
max-words | Please enter {0} words or less |
min-words | Please enter at least {0} words |
range-words | Please enter between {0} and {1} words |
letters-with-basic-punc | Letters or punctuation only please |
alphanumeric | Letters, numbers, spaces or underscores only please |
letters-only | Letters only please |
no-whitespace | No white space please |
zip-range | Your ZIP-code must be in the range 902xx-xxxx to 905-xx-xxxx |
integer | A positive or negative non-decimal number please |
vinUS | The specified vehicle identification number (VIN) is invalid |
dateITA | Please enter a correct date |
dateNL | Vul hier een geldige datum in |
time | Please enter a valid time, between 00:00 and 23:59 |
time12h | Please enter a valid time, between 00:00 am and 12:00 pm |
phoneUS | Please specify a valid phone number |
phoneUK | Please specify a valid phone number |
mobileUK | Please specify a valid mobile number |
stripped-min-length | Please enter at least {0} characters |
validate-no-utf8mb4-characters | Please remove invalid characters: {0} |
credit-card-types | Please enter a valid credit card number |
ipv4 | Please enter a valid IP v4 address |
ipv6 | Please enter a valid IP v6 address |
pattern | Invalid format |
allow-container-className | bool |
validate-no-html-tags | HTML tags are not allowed |
validate-select | Please select an option |
validate-no-empty | Empty Value |
validate-alphanum-with-spaces | Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or spaces only in this field |
validate-data | Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in this field, and the first character should be a letter |
validate-street | Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9), spaces and “#” in this field |
validate-phoneStrict | Please enter a valid phone number. For example (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890 |
validate-phoneLax | Please enter a valid phone number. For example (123) 456-7890 or 123-456-7890 |
validate-fax | Please enter a valid fax number (Ex: 123-456-7890) |
validate-email | Please enter a valid email address (Ex: [email protected]) |
validate-emailSender | Please enter a valid email address (Ex: [email protected]) |
validate-password | Please enter 6 or more characters. Leading and trailing spaces will be ignored |
validate-admin-password | Please enter 7 or more characters, using both numeric and alphabetic |
validate-customer-password | Minimum length of this field must be equal or greater than %1 symbols. Leading and trailing spaces will be ignored.Minimum of different classes of characters in password is %1. Classes of characters: Lower Case, Upper Case, Digits, Special Characters |
validate-url | Please enter a valid URL. Protocol is required (http://, https:// or ftp://) |
validate-clean-url | Please enter a valid URL. For example or |
validate-xml-identifier | Please enter a valid XML-identifier (Ex: something_1, block5, id-4) |
validate-ssn | Please enter a valid social security number (Ex: 123-45-6789) |
validate-zip-us | Please enter a valid zip code (Ex: 90602 or 90602-1234) |
validate-date-au | Please use this date format: dd/mm/yyyy. For example 17/03/2006 for the 17th of March, 2006 |
validate-currency-dollar | Please enter a valid $ amount. For example $100.00 |
validate-not-negative-number | Please enter a number 0 or greater in this field |
validate-zero-or-greater | Please enter a number 0 or greater in this field |
validate-greater-than-zero | Please enter a number greater than 0 in this field |
validate-css-length | Please input a valid CSS-length (Ex: 100px, 77pt, 20em, .5ex or 50%) |
validate-number | Please enter a valid number in this field |
required-number | Please enter a valid number in this field |
validate-number-range | The value is not within the specified range |
validate-digits | Please enter a valid number in this field |
validate-digits-range | The value is not within the specified range |
validate-range | The value is not within the specified range |
validate-alpha | Please use letters only (a-z or A-Z) in this field |
validate-code | Please use only letters (a-z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in this field, and the first character should be a letter |
validate-alphanum | Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed |
validate-date | Please enter a valid date |
validate-date-range | Make sure the To Date is later than or the same as the From Date |
validate-cpassword | Please make sure your passwords match |
validate-identifier | Please enter a valid URL Key (Ex: “example-page”, “example-page.html” or “anotherlevel/example-page”) |
validate-zip-international | Please enter a valid zip code |
validate-one-required | Please select one of the options above |
validate-state | Please select State/Province |
required-file | Please select a file |
validate-ajax-error | bool |
validate-optional-datetime | The field isn’t complete |
validate-required-datetime | This is a required field |
validate-one-required-by-name | Please select one of the options |
less-than-equals-to | Please enter a value less than or equal to %s |
greater-than-equals-to | Please enter a value greater than or equal to %s |
validate-emails | Please enter valid email addresses, separated by commas. For example, [email protected], [email protected] |
validate-cc-type-select | Card type does not match credit card number |
validate-cc-number | Please enter a valid credit card number |
validate-cc-type | Credit card number does not match credit card type |
validate-cc-exp | Incorrect credit card expiration date |
validate-cc-cvn | Please enter a valid credit card verification number |
validate-cc-ukss | Please enter issue number or start date for switch/solo card type |
validate-length | Please enter less or equal than %1 symbols..replace(‘%1’, length);Please enter more or equal than %1 symbols..replace(‘%1’, length) |
required-entry | This is a required field |
not-negative-amount | Please enter positive number in this field |
validate-per-page-value-list | Please enter a valid value, ex: 10,20,30 |
validate-per-page-value | Please enter a valid value from list |
validate-new-password | Please enter 6 or more characters. Leading and trailing spaces will be ignored |
required-if-not-specified | This is a required field |
required-if-all-sku-empty-and-file-not-loaded | Please enter valid SKU key |
required-if-specified | This is a required field |
required-number-if-specified | Please enter a valid number |
datetime-validation | This is required field |
required-text-swatch-entry | Admin is a required field in each row |
required-visual-swatch-entry | Admin is a required field in each row |
required-dropdown-attribute-entry | Admin is a required field in each row |
validate-item-quantity | Please enter a quantity greater than 0;The fewest you may purchase is %1; The maximum you may purchase is %1; You can buy this product only in quantities of %1 at a time |
password-not-equal-to-user-name | password-not-equal-to-user-name |